Cablu de Boxe Tellurium Q Silver Diamond (2x2.0m)

  • Cablu de Boxe Tellurium Q Silver Diamond (2x2.0m)
  • Cablu de Boxe Tellurium Q Silver Diamond (2x2.0m)
  • Cablu de Boxe Tellurium Q Silver Diamond (2x2.0m)
  • Cablu de Boxe Tellurium Q Silver Diamond (2x2.0m)
  • Cablu de Boxe Tellurium Q Silver Diamond (2x2.0m)
  • Cablu de Boxe Tellurium Q Silver Diamond (2x2.0m)
  • Cablu de Boxe Tellurium Q Silver Diamond (2x2.0m)
  • Cablu de Boxe Tellurium Q Silver Diamond (2x2.0m)
  • Cablu de Boxe Tellurium Q Silver Diamond (2x2.0m)
  • Cablu de Boxe Tellurium Q Silver Diamond (2x2.0m)
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The Silver Diamond are the cables that we were not sure could be made (although we hoped they would be possible). If you read through the “Our Focus” section on the website, we talk about the fact that any cable from any manufacturer is an electronic filter, whether you want it to be or not − that is just a fact of life. Being a filter, any cable causes relative phase relationship issues for the signal. We have taken our research and development that was outlined in “Our Focus” and just tried to push the concept of a neutral filter as far as we thought it was possible to give you a highly transparent, natural and “real” presentation.

So what′s different? Well, compared to the Black Diamond, which was our award winning multi-product of the year cable, the Silver Diamond has even better bass definition, improved detail and a more extended top end (without any harshness) and something else which people are finding hard to define, simply because they have not heard it before. As one of the first people to hear the cable said, there is a “certain rightness” to the sound and that is because we have got closer to achieving our goal in cable development and have signal transmission than ever before, and you can hear it. Perhaps an analogy would be to talk about the Black Diamond as HD image quality, whereas the Silver Diamond gives you 4K Ultra HD quality with 3D effortlessly thrown in for good measure.

This cable behaves differently to our others, needing a run through of track three from our System disc to properly embed it, before listening on a new system even when it is run in − almost like conditioning the system to make the most of the cable′s abilities. It may sound a bit strange that a system needs to be tuned up or put in tune to get the most from this cable, but the cable is something quite unique as you will hear if you get the chance to listen to a system using it.

We are very proud to have this cable finally crowning our ranges.


Tone Audio

“Should you be a cable sceptic, this is the one to try. The results are not subtle, with no change in tonality or balance. Just more music everywhere is the word. The Silver Diamond cables impart less of a sonic signature than so many other, so much more expensive cables we′ve tried. Every cable sceptic we know has been bowled over by the Silver Diamond cables.”

− Tone Audio, Awards 2016

HiFi+ Award

They [Tellurium Q] focus on Silver Diamond′s ability to act as less of a filter than most cables, and that this performance is particularly well suited toward high-end systems. When the cables are used in that context, asserts Alan Sircom, “Silver Diamond is extraordinary transparent, satisfyingly open, full-bodied, with an awesome bass, and extremely sweet and smooth across the mid-range.”

− HiFi+ award issue


“Silver Diamond is extraordinarily transparent, satisfyingly open, full-bodied, with an awesome bass, and extremely sweet and smooth across the midrange.”

− Alan Sircom, HiFi+

Sound Rebels

“Solidly crafted, elegant…. defies all rules and attempts to categorize ….they are a class in themselves”

− Marcin Olszewski, Sound Rebels

Tone Audio

“If you′re looking for a major jump in your system′s performance, I′d suggest buying a pair of these instead of considering a hardware upgrade. Before you write this advice off to cable delusion, expectation bias, or the recent Mercury retrograde phase, please take note: I have never said this inTONE′s 11-year history.

Value is a highly relative subject; cable is nearly always a hotspot and I admit to being more prejudiced against spending big money on it, yet the Tellurium Q Silver Diamond speaker cables deliver more music than anything I′ve yet experienced. I highly suggest auditioning them the next time you′re considering spending some money on a system upgrade.”

− Jeff Dorgay, Tone Audio

Stereo Times

“The added resolution, ‘rightness′ and musical truth they impart, while besting cables costing far more than their price point, is your reward for not needing to read specs. ”

− Stereo Times, Most Wanted Components Award 2015

AV Premium

“Changes mindsets….Glorious musicality incredible price”

− Salvador Dangla, AV Premium 2015

HiFi World

“The Silver Diamonds are undoubtedly their best loudspeaker cable yet. They are totally uncoloured − instead acting as a wide open channel between amplifier and ‘speakers and so letting more of the music flow through to let you know exactly what the rest of the system is doing.”

− Hi Fi World Product of the Year Awards

High Fidelity

“I couldn′t detect any shifts in tonal balance − sound always seemed “normal”, meaning the way I expected it to. I think that most people when comparing it with other cables will find its sound bit richer than with others, like it adds some weight to the sound. I also thought so at the beginning and spend a considerable amount of time listening to recordings where any sort of coloration would have been obvious and unwanted − I mean ones with vocals and piano. And I found out that Silver Diamond added absolutely nothing. It was all about natural richness and density of the sound, and about above average number of information delivered in bass range. It might sound “richer” than other cables simply because these others are not able to deliver comparable richness and as much information as Tellurium Q can. Not even my Tara Labs, although it comes really close.”

-Wojciech Pacula,, 2015

HiFi World

“Tellurium Q have surpassed themselves here. It is often said that all cables colour the sound of a system to some extent, but the Silver Diamonds do it to a lesser extent than any other product I′ve heard so far. Admittedly, £800-a-metre may seem a lot to spend on a set of loudspeaker cables. But I′d say that the Silver Diamonds actually stand comparison with rivals costing significantly more, such as Nordost′s Frey 2 (£1800 per metre) which − while excellent − to my ears lack some of the unforced naturalness of the Silver Diamonds.”

− Jon Myles, Hifi World 2015

Mono & Stereo

“Well, I have just stumbled upon a speaker cable that I`m very tempted to put in a class of its own − but I won`t because what we have here is “just” a product that raises the bar of what′s achievable in this field − they`re true SOTA (state of the art) speaker cables and although they`re not cheap, they don`t cost a fortune either. In general: we should try to reserve the term SOTA only for truly outstanding products (regardless of price) and the Tellurium Q Silver Diamonds just happen to be one of them.

In my view, the Tellurium Q Silver Diamond speaker cables represent a major achievement in the realm of state of the art loudspeaker cabling. The way they manage to combine phenomenal resolution, transparency and natural tonal colours, while sounding extremely analog and coherent, top to bottom, is almost unbelievable. They sound incredibly unforced, vivid and dynamic at the same time.”

− Mono & Stereo, June 2015

Important: Conținutul acestei descrieri de produs a fost tradus automat și poate conține erori atât de vocabular, cât și de sintaxă și gramatică.

Specificatii Cablu de Boxe Tellurium Q Silver Diamond (2x2.0m)

Specificatii Where Tellurium Q Came From
People have been asking how Tellurium Q® came about and what we are doing to make our products work so differently from what is currently available. This has caused us problems because there are trade secrets and production methodologies that we definitely do not want to share with our competitors. I think that sometimes we are too much on the side of caution and that causes reviewers and our distributors a little problem. What do they say? What is the story to give our customers, a hook, a reason to listen when there are so many companies claiming big things? Why should people believe that we have a genuinely different approach? Yes a client can hear this is true within seconds of listening but the big problem is giving people a reason to want to listen having not yet heard the cable. In the UK this is not such a big problem as more and more people are giving their feedback to their friends and Tellurium Q® is spreading rapidly by word of mouth as much as from the remarkable reviews.

However we can say a little about our background, how Tellurium Q® came about and what we had to do to develop the products. So here goes.

How Tellurium Q® was born
One afternoon at a recording studio in Somerset, Geoff Merrigan, who was there because he was the studio′s business advisor started a conversation with the studio owner and a technical electronics expert. As there was a strong interest in science and technology they started talking about the system set up and sound quality relating to, and influenced by the various electronics. There was a bold claim that the cables were causing problems in recording quality. Both the studio owner and Geoff took the stand point that a cable is just a cable and all it needs to do is transmit a signal and enough power, end of story, surely? An hour later after discussing the fundamentals of signal transfer theoretically in a standard cable′s construction and why exactly that caused problems. It made absolute sense and Tellurium Q® was born on a leap of faith. The new company invested heavily in R&D and non-standard tooling to bring about the first cable, Tellurium Q Black. Thankfully it exceeded expectations and in the UK there was an immediate uptake with a small handful of dealers who were prepared to use their ears. The most recent phase of development sees the introduction of our own tellurium copper connectors that have a near perfect synergy with the Tellurium Q® cables, as the latest review in the magazine HiFi World confirms.

What people do not realise is that to get the best performance in a cable you actually have to be prepared to compromise between a number of factors. For example in most applications a signal must not leak into the dielectric (but this is a good thing in capacitors).

Stepping back further, you even need to ask what exactly is a “signal”. An electric current is not a bunch of electrons entering a wire at one end, zipping through and popping out the other end. No. It is more like the Newton′s cradle toy where a wave of impacts go through the swinging balls quickly while the balls themselves move very little. Even this analogy is a world away from what actually happens, though. Of course the electrons work their way through the wire. Just not very quickly that is all.

When you understand what a signal actually may be and can model the way it is likely to behave and how this “wave potential” is affected and then what function that signal has to fulfil, it is then time to do a bit of a balancing act. This is between, for example, capacitance, inductance, accurate transmission (not just material “purity” as many think) and high speed transmission (which in itself involves a whole host of lesser criteria). It is this fine tuning process that can lead to some surprises in choice of materials that is REQUIRED for the compromises to work efficiently and effectively. What we do a little differently is that we skew the balancing act to take into account phase accuracy to give a recording correct timing reproduction. In a nutshell, that is how we at Tellurium Q®get the results we get. We believe that we put more into research and development than any other company as a percentage of our profitability and we have no reason to stop doing so. Research is our passion and our customers are the beneficiaries of this.

Tellurium Q® : Our Focus
Tellurium Q® have been asked many times why our cables perform differently to others. We are not going to pass on the exact details of what we are doing to achieve the performance that the reviews and multiple product of the year awards talk about, however time moves on and so it is time to talk a little more about the how.

When Tellurium Q® was set up the focus was primarily on phase distortion and minimising this problem inherent in all cabling, whoever makes them and where ever and however they are made. The reason it is a problem is simple, all materials (not just cables) in the path of a signal will act as an electronic filter according to the definition in the box below, whether you want it to or not. This is undeniable.

Please understand we use the word filter as its scientific definition and not necessarily as something being “filtered out” like with a mechanical sieve. We are primarily focussed on removing the smearing of frequencies through a timing shift and by doing this you get better clarity and transparency from Tellurium Q® cables.

This is the definition of an electronic filter:
“A filter is an electrical network that alters the amplitude and/or phase characteristics of a signal with respect to frequency. Ideally, a filter will not add new frequencies to the input signal, nor will it change the component frequencies of that signal, but it will change the relative amplitudes of the various frequency components and/or their phase relationships.”
Source: National Semiconductor Corporation

N.B. This is true of all speakers, amplifiers, DACs, CD players, cables etc…in fact anything in the signal path.
Once you accept the fact that your audio system is acting as multiple electronic filters smudging your music, then you have a choice:

a. Forget the cable is an electronic filter (completely in the face of science) and compromise by having a smeared sound or

b. Do something about it and engineer as clear and phase neutral a path for the signal as possible to get the most transparent sound that current technology will allow and preserve the original signal phase relations as much as possible.

Unfortunately it is not as easy as just looking at a chart of materials and simply picking the one with the best conductivity. If that were the case then you would put some silver wire in place and the job would be done.

Relative conductivities of various metals assuming copper to be 100%



Some time ago we had some pure silver connectors manufactured and like all our developments tested them in a double blind situation. These we put against silver plated connectors using various base metal mixes and various thicknesses of plating. The pure silver performed worse than a plated connector with a “certain” thickness of plating. It was sluggish and almost muffled by comparison.

The more you focus on the fact that you are working with an electronic filter, then the easier it becomes to craft a much more transparent and natural sounding cable engineering each part of the signal path to minimise distortion. But there is a huge downside to this as every little detail of the constituents used and construction has to be tested in multiple configurations….and of course listened to.

The cable construction becomes more complex, using multiple stranded conductors of slightly differing materials and various dielectric materials and geometries. We have to pay attention to every part of each of our processes, even using non-industry standard solder mixes that varied between cables. Raw ingredients for the construction are highly specified as are plating thicknesses, even down to specifying what chemicals should or should not be included in a plating bath.

Let us give you an example of what we are talking about. These two plated finishes (both silver plating) conduct differently to one another.

The shiny finish is less conductive because of the additives used for that finish when plated. However that is not a great issue when you take into account the material underneath, cable construction and any other plated layers − we still end up with a very transparent cable assembly. It is all a very carefully balanced set of ingredients that become more than the sum of their parts.

Although cables should not affect the sound there are factors that have to be considered because audio systems are not perfect and customers have listening preferences too. So you will see we have engineered three distinct families of sound to take account of three distinct demands our customers have asked for. Which is why we have the Silver and Blue ranges as well as the Black which help achieve this for our customers:

Silver range: The sound can best be described as silver but without the fatigue and harshness that can go along with that material.

Black range: the natural / transparent range that allows an incredibly life like reproduction for use in a well balance system to simply unlock what the system can do.

Blue range: slight warmth that just takes the harsh top edge out of a system that is a little brittle or bright.

So now you know why our cables have won so many awards and we have grown so quickly. We have taken a different and radical approach by looking at the “problem” of cables because they are “secret electronic filters” and you ignore that at your listening peril.

By thinking of cables in this way we can get closer to our goal of combating phase distortion (or more accurately, preserving relative phase relationships in a signal) giving you the most transparent, natural sound possible.You can think of it like a blurred picture becoming clear.

We would like you to have the most clear, transparent and natural listening experience and so hope that you get the opportunity to hear the results of our work for yourself.

6 products of the year in 2014
Pentru Boxe:

- Pentru performante optime este necesara pozitionarea boxelor la o distanta de minim 30-40cm de peretele din spate pentru boxele cu bass-reflex in spate, pentru cele cu bass-reflex in fata, recomandam pozitionarea la o distanta de 10-20cm fata de peretele din spate.

- Boxele vor ajunge sa functioneze in parametrii recomandati de producator, dupa minim 50 de ore (ideal 100 ore) de functionare la volum mediu. In aceasta perioada de timp, de “rodaj a boxelor”, sunetul va fi la inceput ceva mai artificial, bass-ul nu va fi inca controlat, inaltele rigide iar vocile usor retinute, pe masura ce boxele vor functiona, veti remarca cum bas-ul devine mai controlat, mai prezent si mai voluminos, vocile si sunetele medii devin naturale si mai echilibrate, iar inaltele devin rafinate si detaliate. Exista boxe care necesita un „rodaj” mai amplu de minim 300 de ore mai ales in cazul celor care au difuzoare de kevlar, carbon sau alte materiale de acest tip. Boxele care se „rodeaza” cel mai repede sunt cele care au difuzoare de celuloza.

Pentru Amplificatoare, DAC-uri, Preamplificatoare, Receiver Stereo & Home Cinema, Surse digitale audio-video:

- Pentru performante optime este necesar „rodarea” echipamentului, In functie de complexitatea componentelor din aparatul dumneavoastra acesta poate dura intre 30-200 ore.

- Rodajul se face la volum minim, fiind astfel suficient faptul ca acesta este alimentat corect conform manualului de utilizare la 220-230 Volti si trece semnal audio sau video dupa caz prin el.

- Echipamentul supus „rodajului” va ajunge sa functioneze in parametrii recomandati de producator, dupa perioada mai sus mentionata. In aceasta perioada de timp, de “rodaj”, sunetul va fi la inceput ceva mai artificial, bass-ul nu va fi inca controlat, inaltele rigide iar vocile usor retinute, pe masura ce echipamentul va functiona, veti remarca cum bas-ul devine mai controlat, mai prezent si mai voluminos, vocile si sunetele medii devin naturale si mai echilibrate, iar inaltele devin rafinate si detaliate.

Pentru cabluri:

- Pentru performante optime este necesara „rodarea” cablurilor, In functie de complexitatea conductorului folosit, cat si geometriei acestuia, „rodajul” poate dura intre 30-100 ore.

- Rodajul se face la volum minim, fiind astfel suficient faptul ca va trece semnal audio sau video dupa caz prin el.

- Cablul supus „rodajului” va ajunge sa functioneze in parametrii recomandati de producator, dupa perioada mai sus mentionata. In aceasta perioada de timp, de “rodaj”, sunetul va fi la inceput ceva mai artificial, pe masura ce cablul va functiona, veti remarca cum bas-ul devine mai controlat, mai prezent si mai voluminos, vocile si sunetele medii devin naturale si mai echilibrate, iar inaltele devin rafinate si detaliate.

Pentru detalii privind aceste aspecte de rodaj si nu numai, va rugam sa ne consultati!

Tellurium Q  

Povestea incepe intr-o dupa-amiaza, intr-un studiou de inregistrari din Somerset. Geoff Merrigam, pe atunci consilierul de afaceri al patronului respectivului studiou, Simon Lomax (expert in electronica, muzician si maniac al sunetului) statea de vorba cu clientul sau. Cum ambii erau foarte pasionati de sunet, tehnologie si interrelationarea celor doua, discutiile au ajuns inevitabil la cat de mult are de suferit calitatea unei imprimari din cauza cablurilor. De aici si pana la ideea de a porni o afacere cu aceasta tematica n-a mai fost decat un pas. Concluziile lor? Cablurile trebuie sa faca bine o singura treaba - sa transporte semnalul cat mai curat si cu destula putere. Au disecat teoria transmiterii semnalului printr-un cablu si au incercat sa identifice ce anume ar putea cauza problemele de transmitere, iar in foarte scurt timp Tellurium Q Black aparea pe piata si incepea sa faca furori printre dealerii care aveau disponibilitatea sa-si puna putin urechile la treaba. Mai departe, traseul a fost simplu - dealerii au fost incantati, si-au convins clientii sa le cumpere, iar feedback-ul exceptional al acestora a determinat jurnalistii de la marile publicatii de profil sa le ia in teste. Reactiile acestora au fost atat de elogioase, incat marca a devenit, aproape peste noapte, o adevarata vedeta industriei.

Compania s-a dezvolat rapid, cele mai multe investitii mergand catre departamentul de cercetare-dezvoltare. Focusul creatorilor Tellurium Q a fost dintotdeauna incercarea de reducere la minim a distorsiunilor de faza, una dintre problemele eterne si intrinsece ale cablurilor electrice. Si le-a iesit din plin! Avand in spate specialisti foarte creativi si mai ales dotati cu urechi extrem de bune, Tellurium Q a reusit sa se impuna rapid in Marea Britanie si mai apoi la nivel global. Asa cum era de asteptat, premiile si recenziile elogioase nu au intarziat sa apara - nu mai putin de 10 premii de produs al anului si most wanted components in doar 2 ani de existenta! - astfel ca marca Tellurium Q a ajuns sa fie sinonima cu excelenta absoluta si unul dintre brandurile etalon in lume in materie de cabluri audio la aceasta ora (fie ca e vorba despre cabluri de alimentare, de boxe sau interconecturi). Totul a plecat de la o filozofie de afacere simpla, dar eficienta - fiecare produs nou trebuie sa aduca o imbunatatire audibila evidenta fata de precedentul.


Produsele Tellurium Q sunt importate în România de AV Sound Company, al carei magazine online este accesibil la adresa

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