Conditionator de Alimentare Torus Power AVR2 ELITE 8
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Full Features
- Torus Power Connect
Toroidal Isolation provides ultimate clean power performance
Voltage regulated to 120V (+/- 4V). For 220V-240V input models the regulation is +/- 8V.
- Remote power management using Torus Power Connect
All features of the AVR Series
Powerful 32-bit processor
Internal Flash Memory for 10,000 events to record data when offline to Torus Power Connect
New separate high reliability power supply module to further isolate the low voltage and high voltage paths
Enhanced communication module including WiFi connectivity (used for Torus Power Connect operation and transparent update of firmware)
Optical isolation between high voltage and low voltage to increase safety and compliance to new standards
New circuit boards designed for high resolution audio performance
USB port for 3rd party connectivity, LED lighting, and charging
Automatic shutdown of outlet power on low and high input fault conditions
Series mode surge suppression protects against lighting, surges, spikes etc.
Connect to local network using Web page browser
Password control
Email notification of fault conditions
No programming or internet connection needed
Larger LCD display provides power data and fault condition details (configurable to turn off or dim on timed basis)
AVR-2 ELITE added/enhanced Features
Individually addressable outlet zones for control and monitoring
Power-up sequencing with selectable delay time between zones
Scheduling features allows automatic control (on/off) of any outlet zone. Schedule remains active when internet connection is lost, if system power maintained
Schedule up to 6 events per day per zone
Automatic reboot feature allows remote restart of routers and modems if internet connection lost
Torus Power isolation transformers dramatically improve the performance of all audio and video systems. Connect audio equipment to a Torus Power isolation transformer and it comes alive – with more dynamics, improved imaging, and cleaner, enhanced bass. Video is crisper, with darker blacks, and brighter Colors.
Torus Power isolation transformers are the consistent choice of knowledgeable audiophiles, home theatre enthusiasts, and custom electronic system integrators and designers, whose discriminating tastes and technical requirements mandate the ultimate performance and protection levels achievable.
Power system design and custom integration using Torus is effortless, due to the wide range of models, power ratings, chassis types, mounting choices, and control options, including IP and Crestron.
The Torus Power secret ingredient is our proprietary Toroidal Isolation transformers. Virtually all of the power line noise artifacts are eliminated through the Toroidal Isolation transformer, using patented Plitron NBT technology.
The Toroidal Isolation transformer provides high levels of instantaneous current, making sure even dynamic components (such as high power amplifiers) are never starved for power.
It’s like having a clean power source directly adjacent to the plugged-in components.
Torus Power Toroidal Isolation transformers are the world’s finest clean power source for audio, video, and control systems.
Built to a no compromise standard of quality, performance and reliability, Torus Power Toroidal Isolation transformers are engineered to perform and protect like no other.
1. Provide more dynamic range for superior audio performance.
Here’s how: Torus Power provides very low source impedance to connected devices. A low impedance power source enables high current delivery on an instantaneous basis, ensuring components are not starved for power. For example, a typical 200W audio amplifier demands 10A RMS current from a 120V line but may demand up to 50A instantaneous peaks.
A 15A or 20A Torus Toroidal Power Isolation Transformer can deliver 300A or 400A peaks when the system demands it, allowing the highest power amplifiers to deliver maximum performance and dynamics without strain or compromise.
The High Instantaneous Current Capability provides the expanded dynamic range experienced when using Torus Power.
2. Protects your equipment with superior surge protection
Here’s how. Torus Power uses series mode surge suppression (SMSS) technology to fully protect your equipment from damaging lightning strikes and power surges. Torus Power’s Series Mode Surge Suppression does not shunt the voltage spike to ground like MOV’s do, and therefore the ground remains stable and uncontaminated. Torus Power’s surge suppression has clamping voltage onset that absorbs voltage surges more than 2V above peak nominal line voltage. Torus units are built to surpass IEEE endurance standards that require products to withstand lighting strikes of 6000 volts, 3000 amps with 1000 repeats.
3. Provides total power isolation from the outside power grid
Here’s how: Torus Power provides total isolation from the outside power grid through a proprietary-designed and built Toroidal Isolation transformer that eliminates electrical noise caused by sources such as motors, lights, appliances and dimmers commonly found in the home environment. Therefore, providing power to your system via a Torus Power isolation transformer is infinitely superior to using wall power that is increasingly polluted and noisy.
4. Offers better grounding and higher power capability
Here’s how: Torus Power builds many models with power ratings beyond 20 Amp, the power rating where most other manufacturers stop. In fact, at Torus Power we build models with power ratings of 90 Amps, 100 Amps, and beyond, to suit a variety of applications for the residential, commercial, pro and industrial markets. Using a single, larger isolation transformer to power systems will provide a superior ground connection, lower the noise floor of the entire system, and effectively reduces the possibility of ground loops.
5. Torus Power units are inherently quiet
Here’s how: Torus Power utilizes ‘LONO’ (Low Noise) transformer design technology, which eliminates audible noise in the power transformer regardless of line conditions, DC offset and over-voltage. Torus Power products perform at the NC10 level measured on the standard NC (Noise Criterion) rating, making them ideal for use in even the most demanding environments such as professional recording and broadcast studios, as well as in home theater and large-scale audio/video systems.
6. Cleaner power provides cleaner sound
Here’s how: Torus Power products utilize “NBT” (Narrow Bandwidth Technology) to attenuate differential and common-mode noise without using external circuits or components. NBT technology starts at a lower corner frequency (2 kHz) than other systems, and the result is startling. Dramatic improvements are immediately noticeable in audio and video systems.
7. Automatic Voltage Regulation enhances performance and equipment longevity
Here’s how: Torus Power’s automatic voltage regulation (AVR) technology provides stable voltage to connected equipment, regardless of fluctuations in the incoming line voltage. Voltage fluctuations cause stress to electronic components and sensitive microprocessors within the components which often will cause premature failure. With the degradation of the power grids worldwide, automatic voltage regulation provides the extra assurances of peak performance and longevity for valued audio and video equipment. Why? It’s really quite simple. Equipment operating at the optimal voltage will perform better and last longer.
8. IP Based Ethernet Monitoring & Control
Torus Power IP addressable models meet the needs of the custom installation industry with cloud control or IP based monitoring and control. All AVR and AVR2 models feature a built in web browser interface accessible on the local area network, via VPN, or through ihiji remote network management. Other useful features include password control, automatic e-mail notification of fault conditions, and delayed switch-on (5 seconds) when power is turned on, or restored. All Torus models equipped with the AVR feature also include RS232 control and are compatible with Crestron and Savant systems.
9. Custom Control
The AVR2 series extends the capabilities with individual IP addressable duplex outlet zones, scheduling, and automatic reboot features. Compatible with ihiji cloud based monitoring and control. Crestron and Savant modules are also available.
Manufacturer: Torus Power
Power: 1920 VA
Output current: 8A
Input V: 170 – 270 VAC
Output V: 220 – 240 VAC
Frequency: 50 / 60 Hz
Inlet type: 250 V IEC 15A
Outlet type: SCHUKO CEE7, 16A
Size: 483 X 483 X 203 MM
Weight: 38,5 KG
Color: Black and silver
Informații suplimentare
Producător | |
Disponibilitate | La Comandă – Produsul se aduce la comandă in 15-30 zile! |
Unitate Pret | Bucata |
Explicatii in ceea ce priveste rodajul echipamentelor, cat si al cablurilor, asezarea optima a echipamentelor in camera de auditie, importanta acusticii camerei si nu in ultimul rand sistemul de alimentare a intregului echipament:
- Pentru performante optime este necesara pozitionarea boxelor la o distanta de minim 30-40cm de peretele din spate pentru boxele cu bass-reflex in spate, pentru cele cu bass-reflex in fata, recomandam pozitionarea la o distanta de 10-20cm fata de peretele din spate, dar totodata la o distanta de cel putin 50cm fata de peretii laterali. Tineti cont de faptul ca orice piesa de mobilier din incapere, joaca rol de absorbtie fonica, dar si de difuzie fonica daca acestea din urma sunt din materiale ceramica sau oglinzi, geamuri sau alt material reflectorizant. In acest sens, gasiti pe blogul nostru, multiple articole care va pot ajuta
- Boxele vor ajunge sa functioneze in parametrii recomandati de producator, dupa minim 50 de ore (ideal 100 ore) de functionare la volum mediu. In aceasta perioada de timp, de “rodaj a boxelor”, sunetul va fi la inceput mai artificial, bass-ul nu va fi inca controlat, inaltele rigide iar vocile usor retinute, pe masura ce boxele vor functiona, veti remarca cum bas-ul devine mai controlat, mai prezent si mai voluminos, vocile si sunetele medii devin naturale si mai echilibrate, iar inaltele devin rafinate si detaliate. Exista boxe care necesita un „rodaj” mai amplu de minim 300 de ore mai ales in cazul celor care au difuzoare de kevlar, carbon sau alte materiale de acest tip. Boxele care se „rodeaza” cel mai repede sunt cele care au difuzoare de celuloza.
Imbunatatirea sunetului unui sistem audio stereo (Partea I)
Imbunatatirea sunetului unui sistem audio stereo – (Partea II)
- Pentru performante optime este necesar „rodarea” echipamentului, In functie de complexitatea componentelor din aparatul dumneavoastra acesta poate dura intre 30-200 ore.
- Rodajul se face la volum minim, fiind astfel suficient faptul ca acesta este alimentat corect conform manualului de utilizare la 220-230 Volti si trece semnal audio sau video dupa caz prin el.
- Echipamentul supus „rodajului” va ajunge sa functioneze in parametrii recomandati de producator, dupa perioada mai sus mentionata. In aceasta perioada de timp, de “rodaj”, sunetul va fi la inceput ceva mai artificial, bass-ul nu va fi inca controlat, inaltele rigide iar vocile usor retinute, pe masura ce echipamentul va functiona, veti remarca cum bas-ul devine mai controlat, mai prezent si mai voluminos, vocile si sunetele medii devin naturale si mai echilibrate, iar inaltele devin rafinate si detaliate.
- In ceea ce priveste echipamentul video precum videoproiector, TV, media player, blueray player, necesita un "rodaj" de cel putin 50 de ore. Lipsa acestuia nu va poate oferi maxim de performanta. "Rodajul" se efectueaza prin simpla utilizare a acestuia, intr-un mod conform specificatiilor mentionate de producator.
- Pentru performante optime este necesara „rodarea” cablurilor, In functie de complexitatea conductorului folosit, cat si geometriei acestuia, „rodajul” poate dura intre 30-100 ore.
- Rodajul se face la volum minim, fiind astfel suficient faptul ca va trece semnal audio sau video dupa caz prin el.
- Cablul supus „rodajului” va ajunge sa functioneze in parametrii recomandati de producator, dupa perioada mai sus mentionata. In aceasta perioada de timp, de “rodaj”, sunetul va fi la inceput ceva mai artificial, pe masura ce cablul va functiona, veti remarca cum bas-ul devine mai controlat, mai prezent si mai voluminos, vocile si sunetele medii devin naturale si mai echilibrate, iar inaltele devin rafinate si detaliate.
Articole indrumatoare:
Tratamentul Acustic si Izolarea Fonica
Pentru un sistem echilibrat, trebuie tinut cont pe langa asezarea corecta a boxelor in incapere, al echipamentelor, sistemul de alimentare al acestora, tinand cont de instalatia electrica a locatiei.
Pentru detalii privind aceste aspecte de rodaj si nu numai, va rugam sa ne consultati!
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