Amplificator de Putere Teac AP-505 Argintiu

7.499 lei / Bucata 7.199 lei / Bucata

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Amplificator de Putere Teac AP-505 Argintiu

7.499 lei / Bucata 7.199 lei / Bucata

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    The AP-505 is a versatile stereo power amplifier based around a high-performance, TEAC-tuned, Hypex Ncore power amplifier module, housed within a compact and elegant case.

    Capable of operating in bi-amp and BTL (Bridge Tied Load/Bridged) modes, in addition to conventional stereo operation, the AP-505 produces a maximum 130W + 130W of output power in stereo/bi-amp modes and 250W in BTL/bridged mode. At its heart is an Ncore power amplifier module, made by Hypex of the Netherlands and specially tuned by TEAC’s R&D team, for superlative sound quality

    As for the exterior, lightweight aluminum-alloy panels cover a robust steel chassis. A pair of large level meters add visual interest when the amplifier is in action, while TEAC’s patent-pending ‘Pin-point’ feet, located at three strategic positions on the underside, add incision to the sound, helping to create a more detailed and stable stereo image.


    Latest Hypex Ncore amplifier technology, tuned by TEAC

    The AP-505 employs a high-performance, energy-efficient Hypex Ncore power amplifier module which produces 130W + 130W in stereo/bi-amp modes or 250W in BTL mode. The module, which has undergone extensive listening tests before being carefully tuned and tweaked by our engineers, easily drives a wide range of speakers, delivering anything from a pianissimo to a fortissimo, and everything in between. In other words, it properly reproduces the dynamics of real music.

    Supporting Stereo, Bi-amp and BTL modes

    Not only for conventional stereo mode with 130W + 130W of output power, this compact unit also provides versatile speaker drive modes, Bi-amp and BTL modes by deploying a couple of AP-505 units side by side. The Bi-amp mode drives woofer and tweeter independently, while the BTL modes produces 250W of output power in each channel.

    Full-metal, small footprint body for rigidity, stability and elegance

    Every external panel − at the front, top and sides – is formed from high-grade aluminium alloy, firmly attached to the robust steel inner chassis. This method of construction helps reduce the transmission of mechanical vibration, ensuring that every single element inside the unit is allowed to perform at its best. Thanks to its convenient A4-sized footprint, the AP-505 easily slots into modern interiors where space-efficiency is important, such as on a desktop. This is in stark contrast to most conventional bi-amp/BTL-capable power amplifiers which are usually bulky, full-width units.

    Fully-balanced design

    By employing a fully-balanced circuit design from the input section to the output stage, the AP-505 keeps the audio signal as unadulterated as possible as it moves through the amplifier, the result being extremely low distortion levels and an excellent signal-to-noise ratio (assisted by the effective elimination of common-mode noise).

    Carefully selected components, exclusively designed for hi-fi applications

    At the input stage, where sound quality is fundamentally defined, high-quality MUSES8820E dual op-amps are employed for both the XLR and RCA inputs. In the power supply section for the input stage, both the left and right channel rectifying circuits are completely independent from the power transformer onwards, and employ four, high-capacity, 4700μF capacitors on each channel (8 in total), achieving clear soundstage separation between channels.
    At the XLR input section, a well-designed circuit delivers excellent signal integrity, thanks in part to the elimination of coupling capacitors that can often lose audio information as a signal travels through them.

    An oversized toroidal power transformer

    In the power supply, the AP-505 employs a high capacity toroidal-core transformer, with Schottky barrier diodes in the rectifying circuit. Unlike conventional diodes, Schottky barrier diodes reduce rectifier noise, leading to a ‘cleaner’ supply and a more stable delivery of current.

    ‘Pin-Point’ feet for easy installation

    The AP-505 employs TEAC’s patent-pending ‘Pin-Point’ feet. These comprise two separated metal sections in an integrated housing. One has a spiked top and is attached to the bottom of the chassis, the other is a basin-shaped base that hangs down from the spiked section, with a flange-shaped cup to simplify installation. As a result of the unique design, the ‘Pin-Point’ feet considerably minimize vibrations and resonance, by virtue of the fact that the unit is supported on just three points, with a very small surface contact area. This arrangement reduces mid and low frequency muddiness so improving the soundstage and enhancing fine sonic detail.
    * Japan Patent numbers 4075477 and 3778108

    Passive-cooling design for silent operatio

    It makes no sense to design an amplifier that delivers excellent sound to a pair of speakers but which itself generates distracting operating noise from a cooling fan. From the outset our engineers were determined to use a circuit and layout that would allow sufficient natural cooling, one that would allow the creation of a compact but powerful amplifier which didn’t need the help of a cooling fan.

    Dual analog level meters signal musical momentum

    Analog level meters on the front panel move in response to signal levels, giving a visually pleasing confirmation that the amplifier is doing its job. A four-step dimmer (bright, mid, dim off) allows users to adjust the intensity of display to their taste, while a switchable sensitivity (±0dB, +20dB, movement off) allows you to enjoy more, less, or even no meter movement, if preferred.
    Naturally, even if the backlight is off and meter movement has been disabled, you are still able to tell the unit is on… by checking the position of power switch!。

    Features at a glance

    • Hypex Ncore power amplifier module, tuned by TEAC
    • 130W + 130W of max output power, or 250W in BTL/bridged mode
    • Can operate in Stereo, Bi-Amp and BTL/bridged modes
    • Fully balanced circuit design
    • Carefully selected high-quality components, exclusively designed for Hi-Fi applications
    • Large toroidal power transformer and Schottky barrier diodes
    • Comprehensive protection circuits (Surge, Over-voltage, Thermal)
    • Patent-pending ‘Pin-point’ feet for easy installation (Japan Patent No.4075477, No.3778108)
    • Large level meters
    • Passive-cooling for silent operation
    • A4-sized footprint and full-metal body for rigidity, stability and elegance
    • XLR Balanced and RCA Unbalanced analog audio inputs (one set of each)
    • Wide-pitch, screw-type speaker terminals
    • Auto power-saving
    • RoHS compliant

    Amplifier section
    Maximum output power
    Stereo, Bi-amp modes 130W + 130W (4Ω, 1kHz, JEITA)
    90W + 90W (8Ω, 1kHz, JEITA)
    BTL (Bridge) mode 250W (8Ω, 1kHz, JEITA)
    Rate output over
    Stereo, Bi-amp modes 115W + 115W (4Ω, 1kHz, THD 0.8%)
    70W + 70W (8Ω, 1kHz, THD 0.8%)
    BTL (Bridge) mode 220W (8Ω, 1kHz, THD 0.8%)
    Total harmonic distortion 0.0015% (8Ω, 1kHz, 12.5W, JEITA)
    Signal-to-Noise ratio 113dB (8Ω, 1kHz, IHF-A)
    Frequency response 10Hz to 50,000Hz (+0dB, −5dB, 8Ω, 1W, JEITA)
    Dumping factor 370 or higher, JEITA (20Hz to 20kHz, Output impedance: 22mΩ, 8Ω loaded)
    Input section
    LINE IN (Balanced)
    Connector XLR (2: HOT) × 1 pair
    Input sensitivity 1.3V (Output 8Ω, THD 1%)
    Input impedance 10kΩ or higher
    LINE IN (Unbalance)
    Connector RCA Pin (gold-plated) × 1 pair
    Input sensitivity 0.66V (Output 8Ω, THD 1%)
    Input impedance 10kΩ or higher
    Speaker outputs
    Connector Screw type &times

    Informații suplimentare



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    Tip Amplificator Putere

    Amplificator Stereo

    Explicatii in ceea ce priveste rodajul echipamentelor, cat si al cablurilor, asezarea optima a echipamentelor in camera de auditie, importanta acusticii camerei si nu in ultimul rand sistemul de alimentare a intregului echipament:


    - Pentru performante optime este necesara pozitionarea boxelor la o distanta de minim 30-40cm de peretele din spate pentru boxele cu bass-reflex in spate, pentru cele cu bass-reflex in fata, recomandam pozitionarea la o distanta de 10-20cm fata de peretele din spate, dar totodata la o distanta de cel putin 50cm fata de peretii laterali. Tineti cont de faptul ca orice piesa de mobilier din incapere, joaca rol de absorbtie fonica, dar si de difuzie fonica daca acestea din urma sunt din materiale ceramica sau oglinzi, geamuri sau alt material reflectorizant. In acest sens, gasiti pe blogul nostru, multiple articole care va pot ajuta

    - Boxele vor ajunge sa functioneze in parametrii recomandati de producator, dupa minim 50 de ore (ideal 100 ore) de functionare la volum mediu. In aceasta perioada de timp, de “rodaj a boxelor”, sunetul va fi la inceput mai artificial, bass-ul nu va fi inca controlat, inaltele rigide iar vocile usor retinute, pe masura ce boxele vor functiona, veti remarca cum bas-ul devine mai controlat, mai prezent si mai voluminos, vocile si sunetele medii devin naturale si mai echilibrate, iar inaltele devin rafinate si detaliate. Exista boxe care necesita un „rodaj” mai amplu de minim 300 de ore mai ales in cazul celor care au difuzoare de kevlar, carbon sau alte materiale de acest tip. Boxele care se „rodeaza” cel mai repede sunt cele care au difuzoare de celuloza.



    Imbunatatirea sunetului unui sistem audio stereo (Partea I)

    Imbunatatirea sunetului unui sistem audio stereo – (Partea II)



    - Pentru performante optime este necesar „rodarea” echipamentului, In functie de complexitatea componentelor din aparatul dumneavoastra acesta poate dura intre 30-200 ore.

    - Rodajul se face la volum minim, fiind astfel suficient faptul ca acesta este alimentat corect conform manualului de utilizare la 220-230 Volti si trece semnal audio sau video dupa caz prin el.

    - Echipamentul supus „rodajului” va ajunge sa functioneze in parametrii recomandati de producator, dupa perioada mai sus mentionata. In aceasta perioada de timp, de “rodaj”, sunetul va fi la inceput ceva mai artificial, bass-ul nu va fi inca controlat, inaltele rigide iar vocile usor retinute, pe masura ce echipamentul va functiona, veti remarca cum bas-ul devine mai controlat, mai prezent si mai voluminos, vocile si sunetele medii devin naturale si mai echilibrate, iar inaltele devin rafinate si detaliate.

    - In ceea ce priveste echipamentul video precum videoproiector, TV, media player, blueray player, necesita un "rodaj" de cel putin 50 de ore. Lipsa acestuia nu va poate oferi maxim de performanta. "Rodajul" se efectueaza prin simpla utilizare a acestuia, intr-un mod conform specificatiilor mentionate de producator.



    - Pentru performante optime este necesara „rodarea” cablurilor, In functie de complexitatea conductorului folosit, cat si geometriei acestuia, „rodajul” poate dura intre 30-100 ore.

    - Rodajul se face la volum minim, fiind astfel suficient faptul ca va trece semnal audio sau video dupa caz prin el.

    - Cablul supus „rodajului” va ajunge sa functioneze in parametrii recomandati de producator, dupa perioada mai sus mentionata. In aceasta perioada de timp, de “rodaj”, sunetul va fi la inceput ceva mai artificial, pe masura ce cablul va functiona, veti remarca cum bas-ul devine mai controlat, mai prezent si mai voluminos, vocile si sunetele medii devin naturale si mai echilibrate, iar inaltele devin rafinate si detaliate.



    Articole indrumatoare:

    Dictionar Audiofil

    Tratamentul Acustic si Izolarea Fonica

    Pentru un sistem echilibrat, trebuie tinut cont pe langa asezarea corecta a boxelor in incapere, al echipamentelor, sistemul de alimentare al acestora, tinand cont de instalatia electrica a locatiei.

    Pentru detalii privind aceste aspecte de rodaj si nu numai, va rugam sa ne consultati!



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