Boxe Klipsch Jubilee

249.998 lei / Pereche 217.498 lei / Pereche

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- 13%

Boxe Klipsch Jubilee

249.998 lei / Pereche 217.498 lei / Pereche

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    The Klipsch Jubilee features an external active DSP crossover network to ensure
    the highest degree of accurate reproduction of sound. The DSP network adjusts
    the phase and time delay of each acoustic component to eliminate acoustic phase
    cancellations and maximize output in the crossover region for truer-to-life sound.
    The DSP network also provides the necessary EQ and gain adjustment to blend the
    two acoustic components together seamlessly. Beautifully designed for shelf or rack
    mount applications, the Klipsch Jubilee active crossover also features adjustable low
    frequency and high frequency trim levels to ensure the ultimate listening experience
    tailored to your room and personal taste.

    The Klipsch Jubilee is a fully-horn loaded two-way loudspeaker, designed to deliver the
    ultimate listening experience. The Klipsch Jubilee incorporates the latest in acoustic
    developments to accomplish this feat, featuring a patented horn-loaded vented low
    frequency enclosure and an all-new horn-loaded compression driver. Each component
    is specifically optimized to operate in its individual pass-band, resulting in the Klipsch
    Jubilee being one of the most efficient commercially available loudspeakers. Higher
    efficiency yields greater acoustic power, which is generated with considerably less
    effort. The result is the cleanest, most dynamic sound possible throughout the entire
    musical range.

    The patented low frequency enclosure of the Klipsch Jubilee is designed to provide
    magnificent presence, by leveraging the efficiencies of both horn-loaded and vented
    systems. The typical vented system already increases the efficiency and sensitivity
    for extended low frequency performance. Horn-loading this system allows the
    Klipsch Jubilee to be a staggering 10 to 20 times more efficient than a conventional
    loudspeaker. This results in unrivaled low frequency performance, maximizing output
    while minimizing distortion, for dynamic and clean bass.

    The Klipsch Jubilee features an all-new large format compression driver with a 7”
    axiperiodic Titanium diaphragm. The single, large diameter diaphragm provides very
    wide bandwidth performance, eliminating the need for a mid-range driver – true to
    Paul Klipsch’s original Klipsch Jubilee design. This wide bandwidth design lowers the
    crossover point below the critical vocal range for seamless clarity and accuracy. The
    axiperiodic design delivers a smooth response, while still maximizing output and
    minimizing distortion for effortless performances.

    Klipsch only uses book-matched wood veneers for the Heritage series. The veneer
    leaves are kept in order as they are delicately sliced from the timber and precisely
    arranged to provide a mirror image at the splice joint — like turning the pages of a
    book. This gives each speaker an aesthetically appealing and consistent appearance
    that is treasured more than any other cut of wood veneer.

    Every pair of Heritage series loudspeakers are grain-matched using wood veneer
    panels that come from the same timber. Each cabinet is carefully matched so that
    each speaker in the pair is practically indistinguishable from the other. The speakers
    move seamlessly together through the factory, and each finished product is inspected
    and labeled with sequential serial numbers, ensuring that your Heritage series
    speakers leave the factory as a meticulously crafted set.

    While each and every component of the Klipsch Jubilee is built to last, Klipsch has
    always recognized the unique and critical role of a loudspeaker’s cabinet in the sound
    reproduction process. From the craftsmen in Hope, AR to the engineers in Indianapolis,
    IN, Klipsch has always put an extraordinary emphasis on cabinet design. The Klipsch
    Jubilee enclosure is assembled using only the highest-grade adhesives and fasteners.
    This is a speaker you will hand down from generation to generation.

    FREQUENCY RESPONSE (+1.75 dB/- 3 dB) 18Hz – 20kHz
    SENSITIVITY1 Avg. Sensitivity of HF – 110dB
    Avg. Sensitivity of LF – 107dB
    HF – 100W / 400W
    MAXIMUM SPL 125 dB/1m (Using DSP)
    NOMINAL IMPEDANCE LF – 8 ohms, minimum 3.5 ohms at 160Hz
    HF – 16 ohms, miminum 7.6 ohms at 4.3kHz
    HIGH FREQUENCY DRIVER K-693 7” Titanium Diaphragm
    Compression Driver with 5” Voice Coil
    LOW FREQUENCY DRIVER Dual K-283 12” Fiber-Composite
    cone woofers
    INPUTS 5 way binding post
    HEIGHT 69.5” (175.26 cm)
    WIDTH 50.25” (127 cm)
    DEPTH 30.25” (76.2 cm)
    WEIGHT LF – 330 lbs (149.68 kg)
    HF – 78 lbs (35.38 kg)
    FINISH Black Ash, American Walnut
    GRILLE Salt and Pepper Cloth

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    Explicatii in ceea ce priveste rodajul echipamentelor, cat si al cablurilor, asezarea optima a echipamentelor in camera de auditie, importanta acusticii camerei si nu in ultimul rand sistemul de alimentare a intregului echipament:


    - Pentru performante optime este necesara pozitionarea boxelor la o distanta de minim 30-40cm de peretele din spate pentru boxele cu bass-reflex in spate, pentru cele cu bass-reflex in fata, recomandam pozitionarea la o distanta de 10-20cm fata de peretele din spate, dar totodata la o distanta de cel putin 50cm fata de peretii laterali. Tineti cont de faptul ca orice piesa de mobilier din incapere, joaca rol de absorbtie fonica, dar si de difuzie fonica daca acestea din urma sunt din materiale ceramica sau oglinzi, geamuri sau alt material reflectorizant. In acest sens, gasiti pe blogul nostru, multiple articole care va pot ajuta

    - Boxele vor ajunge sa functioneze in parametrii recomandati de producator, dupa minim 50 de ore (ideal 100 ore) de functionare la volum mediu. In aceasta perioada de timp, de “rodaj a boxelor”, sunetul va fi la inceput mai artificial, bass-ul nu va fi inca controlat, inaltele rigide iar vocile usor retinute, pe masura ce boxele vor functiona, veti remarca cum bas-ul devine mai controlat, mai prezent si mai voluminos, vocile si sunetele medii devin naturale si mai echilibrate, iar inaltele devin rafinate si detaliate. Exista boxe care necesita un „rodaj” mai amplu de minim 300 de ore mai ales in cazul celor care au difuzoare de kevlar, carbon sau alte materiale de acest tip. Boxele care se „rodeaza” cel mai repede sunt cele care au difuzoare de celuloza.



    Imbunatatirea sunetului unui sistem audio stereo (Partea I)

    Imbunatatirea sunetului unui sistem audio stereo – (Partea II)



    - Pentru performante optime este necesar „rodarea” echipamentului, In functie de complexitatea componentelor din aparatul dumneavoastra acesta poate dura intre 30-200 ore.

    - Rodajul se face la volum minim, fiind astfel suficient faptul ca acesta este alimentat corect conform manualului de utilizare la 220-230 Volti si trece semnal audio sau video dupa caz prin el.

    - Echipamentul supus „rodajului” va ajunge sa functioneze in parametrii recomandati de producator, dupa perioada mai sus mentionata. In aceasta perioada de timp, de “rodaj”, sunetul va fi la inceput ceva mai artificial, bass-ul nu va fi inca controlat, inaltele rigide iar vocile usor retinute, pe masura ce echipamentul va functiona, veti remarca cum bas-ul devine mai controlat, mai prezent si mai voluminos, vocile si sunetele medii devin naturale si mai echilibrate, iar inaltele devin rafinate si detaliate.

    - In ceea ce priveste echipamentul video precum videoproiector, TV, media player, blueray player, necesita un "rodaj" de cel putin 50 de ore. Lipsa acestuia nu va poate oferi maxim de performanta. "Rodajul" se efectueaza prin simpla utilizare a acestuia, intr-un mod conform specificatiilor mentionate de producator.



    - Pentru performante optime este necesara „rodarea” cablurilor, In functie de complexitatea conductorului folosit, cat si geometriei acestuia, „rodajul” poate dura intre 30-100 ore.

    - Rodajul se face la volum minim, fiind astfel suficient faptul ca va trece semnal audio sau video dupa caz prin el.

    - Cablul supus „rodajului” va ajunge sa functioneze in parametrii recomandati de producator, dupa perioada mai sus mentionata. In aceasta perioada de timp, de “rodaj”, sunetul va fi la inceput ceva mai artificial, pe masura ce cablul va functiona, veti remarca cum bas-ul devine mai controlat, mai prezent si mai voluminos, vocile si sunetele medii devin naturale si mai echilibrate, iar inaltele devin rafinate si detaliate.



    Articole indrumatoare:

    Dictionar Audiofil

    Tratamentul Acustic si Izolarea Fonica

    Pentru un sistem echilibrat, trebuie tinut cont pe langa asezarea corecta a boxelor in incapere, al echipamentelor, sistemul de alimentare al acestora, tinand cont de instalatia electrica a locatiei.

    Pentru detalii privind aceste aspecte de rodaj si nu numai, va rugam sa ne consultati!



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