The Analog Bridge was designed to fill a niche left by our custom tube modifications for digital source equipment. Due to the rapidly changing world of modern digital, we wanted a product that could be used with a variety of digital and analog SS sources. The Analog Bridge will not be replaced as digital technology progresses and system components change. It is an accessory that will be a constant and improvement in your system.
The purpose of the Analog Bridge, is to add the strengths and positive attributes of tubes to any system, without the bandwidth limitation, noise and added distortion that many associate with tube electronics.
“Recently, Dan Wright, the audio design artisan at ModWright, sent me a sample of his new tube-based Analog Bridge. Wrapped around a complement of 2×6SN7s, 2×6922s, which are switchable on the fly, and 5AR4 rectification, it looked like a very fine audio component for addressing possible problems in system sound. (It’s heavy, built like a tank with potent power supplies, and yet attractive to the eye in a practical way.) Since I was having just such an issue…a DAC that was sounding a bit forward and edgy…I gave it a run.
Talk about a pleasant surprise! In the default 6SN7 position, using Cardas Clear Beyond RCA cabling, the touch of stridency that I had been hearing simply went away.
To say that I was impressed is an understatement. I now consider the ModWright Analog Bridge to be an essential tool here for my listening and evaluations, and I am convinced that many audiophiles would come to the same conclusion.
1. Between digital or analog source(s) and preamp. – Any digital that is deemed thin, bright or lacking depth and body will definitely benefit. Even digital that is not bright, but lacks body, will benefit from tube body and weight.
2. Between preamp and amp. – An all SS system that customer feels is lacking in body, depth or warmth. Perhaps system is very resolving but uninvolving. The Analog Bridge will bring 3-dimensionality and broad soundstage to the system.
3. Between source and amp. – A simple system one or two sources (with integral volume control) and amp is ideal. It adds the sonic benefits of tubes while keeping the system simple. Very low output impedance means it will drive ANY amp.
4. Between passive attenuator and amp. – Same as above, source(s) – passive pre/attenuator – Analog Bridge – Amp. Analog bridge provides necessary buffering not provided by a passive.
1. SYSTEM USE – The Analog Bridge can be added to any system and allows customers numerous ways to improve and tailor their sound. Most importantly, it has very low noise, distortion, and wide bandwidth. It does not add undue coloration or take away anything from the signal path.
2. PURELY ANALOG – There are no integrated circuits, clocks, or other processors. This is a purely analog product. We chose toggle switches for this reason.
3. SOLID STATE & TUBE SYSTEMS – It is intended for use in an all-solid-state system that wants to add tubes. It ideally goes before the amp, because it offers exceptionally low output impedance which means it will interface with any amp very well! It can go in any system with tubes also. In this case, it would ideally follow a digital or analog source that is SS. The signal in a system starts with the source and even if there is a tube system that follows, the improved source signal will benefit the whole system.
4. ON-THE-FLY & 3 DIFFERENT TUBE TYPES – The Analog Bridge features two parallel output tube stages, that can be switched on-the-fly, via a toggle on the faceplate. One is 6922/6dj8/7308 and the other is 6SN7 based. Each tube type has its own tonal characteristics and rolling tubes by other manufacturers also allows for a change in sound. This circuit uses three different tube types: GZ34 rectifier and 6922 or 6SN7 driver tubes. The Analog Bridge is tube rectified and SS regulated, to allow rectifier tube rolling as a way of changing tonal characteristics of the Analog Bridge. SS voltage regulation is chosen for the best regulation and lowest noise and distortion possible. Tubes are exposed for easy access and tube rolling. Brief mute circuit is designed into the switching between tubes to prevent any DC issues.
5. COLOR SELECTION – The Analog Bridge comes in two color options. The chassis will always be black, but the faceplate can be changed to black or silver for system matching.
6. TUBE DISCOUNT – The Analog Bridge comes in two versions, RCA or XLR for balanced systems. We know that many customers already have collections of all three of the tubes used in the Analog Bridge. As you are aware, tubes are much more costly now. Because of this, we will give customers, the option of receiving the unit without stock tubes, at an appropriate additional discount due to the cost savings of not shipping with stock tubes. Customers can choose which tubes they want included in their purchase. If you choose not to include certain tube types with your purchase, the discount will be as follows: 6922: $60 Discount if not included. 6SN7: $60 Discount if not included. GZ34: $30 Discount if not included.
The rectifier tube can be changed to 5AR4, GZ34, 5R4GY, 274B, 5U4, 5U4G, 5U4GB, 5V4, 5V4G, 5V4GB. Virtually any rectifier tube can be used, provided it is pin compatible with those listed.
The filament winding is rated for 3A. The supply circuit is designed to meet the requirements of any rectifiers’ tube data.
There is enough headroom in the voltage regulator to allow for rectifier tubes with different levels of forward voltage drop.
All rectifier tubes sound different. Some have tighter bass, others more bloom, some are warmer while others are faster.
The 6922 output tubes can be changed to 6DJ8, 7DJ8, 7308, ECC88. Many NOS options available.
6922 and compatible tubes are more neutral and detailed, which will suit some tastes and music better than the 6SN7.
The 6SN7 output tubes can be changed to CV181. Many NOS options are available for the 6SN7.
The 6SN7 has a ‘fat tone’ and warmth, compared to the 6922 and as such, will suit some tastes and music better than the 6922.
This allows for a myriad of different sonic combinations to suit any customers sonic preferences for all music.
1. INPUTS: (2) pair RCA – Optional (1) pair XLR with add cost balanced option. – Both RCA and XLR operation will sound the same. XLR option includes transformer coupling in and out (four Lundahl transformers) to insure fully balanced operation in and out.
2. OUTPUTS: (2) pair RCA – Optional (1) pair XLR with add cost balanced option. – While the sound of the Analog Bridge will be same via RCA or XLR inputs, a fully balanced system will sound best if fed balanced into the Analog Bridge. Also, if long cable runs are used, balanced cables WILL reduce overall noise and improve performance.
3. SWITCHES: Left to right – Power – Mute — Input (1 or 2) – Tube Select (6922 or 6SN7). Rear toggle selects balanced or RCA operation if balanced option installed. – Toggle on rear to select between RCA or XLR in to out. Only RCA in-out or XLR in-out operation, not RCA in and XLR out, etc.
4. GAIN: Unity. – It gives a significantly cleaner and undistorted signal.
5. NOISE: -105dB (unweighted) – Very quiet and will not introduce noise into the system.
6. FREQUENCY RESPONSE: (20Hz – 150Khz(-1dB)) – Considering that most digital gear is filtered at 60Khz – 100Khz, the Analog Bridge will NOT limit bandwidth.
7. THD: < .005% – Lower distortion is always the goal. Tubes will always produce their characteristic strengths of tone, depth, and body.
8. OUTPUT IMPEDENCE: < 20 ohm. – This allows the Analog Bridge to drive any preamp or amp with input impedance as low as 2K – 5K! Characteristic input impedance for most amps and preamps is 10K – 100K. Some SS gear has low input impedance, but the Analog Bridge will have no problem.
9. DIMENSIONS: 10.5“W x 3.5“H x 14.5“D.
The Analog Bridge is a compact, single chassis product.
Measured height from shelf to top of face plate. 3.5”
Measured depth from front of faceplate to rear face of chassis. 13.5”
Measured depth including RCA length. 14.5”
Measured width edge-edge of face plate. 10.5”
The Analog Bridge is sized to be more compact and ‘future friendly’ in a day when people are downsizing and looking to conserve space.
MM/MC: 72dB max MC gain; 57dB max MM gain
Loading: (6) resistive and (6) capacitance loadings via front panel control – on the fly!
Gain Adjustment: Front panel on-the-fly control of gain = 0dB, -6dB, -12dB attenuation.
Input Switching: MM/Mute/MC input switching on-the-fly via front panel controls.
Explicatii in ceea ce priveste rodajul echipamentelor, cat si al cablurilor, asezarea optima a echipamentelor in camera de auditie, importanta acusticii camerei si nu in ultimul rand sistemul de alimentare a intregului echipament:
- Pentru performante optime este necesara pozitionarea boxelor la o distanta de minim 30-40cm de peretele din spate pentru boxele cu bass-reflex in spate, pentru cele cu bass-reflex in fata, recomandam pozitionarea la o distanta de 10-20cm fata de peretele din spate, dar totodata la o distanta de cel putin 50cm fata de peretii laterali. Tineti cont de faptul ca orice piesa de mobilier din incapere, joaca rol de absorbtie fonica, dar si de difuzie fonica daca acestea din urma sunt din materiale ceramica sau oglinzi, geamuri sau alt material reflectorizant. In acest sens, gasiti pe blogul nostru, multiple articole care va pot ajuta
- Boxele vor ajunge sa functioneze in parametrii recomandati de producator, dupa minim 50 de ore (ideal 100 ore) de functionare la volum mediu. In aceasta perioada de timp, de “rodaj a boxelor”, sunetul va fi la inceput mai artificial, bass-ul nu va fi inca controlat, inaltele rigide iar vocile usor retinute, pe masura ce boxele vor functiona, veti remarca cum bas-ul devine mai controlat, mai prezent si mai voluminos, vocile si sunetele medii devin naturale si mai echilibrate, iar inaltele devin rafinate si detaliate. Exista boxe care necesita un „rodaj” mai amplu de minim 300 de ore mai ales in cazul celor care au difuzoare de kevlar, carbon sau alte materiale de acest tip. Boxele care se „rodeaza” cel mai repede sunt cele care au difuzoare de celuloza.
- Pentru performante optime este necesar „rodarea” echipamentului, In functie de complexitatea componentelor din aparatul dumneavoastra acesta poate dura intre 30-200 ore.
- Rodajul se face la volum minim, fiind astfel suficient faptul ca acesta este alimentat corect conform manualului de utilizare la 220-230 Volti si trece semnal audio sau video dupa caz prin el.
- Echipamentul supus „rodajului” va ajunge sa functioneze in parametrii recomandati de producator, dupa perioada mai sus mentionata. In aceasta perioada de timp, de “rodaj”, sunetul va fi la inceput ceva mai artificial, bass-ul nu va fi inca controlat, inaltele rigide iar vocile usor retinute, pe masura ce echipamentul va functiona, veti remarca cum bas-ul devine mai controlat, mai prezent si mai voluminos, vocile si sunetele medii devin naturale si mai echilibrate, iar inaltele devin rafinate si detaliate.
- In ceea ce priveste echipamentul video precum videoproiector, TV, media player, blueray player, necesita un "rodaj" de cel putin 50 de ore. Lipsa acestuia nu va poate oferi maxim de performanta. "Rodajul" se efectueaza prin simpla utilizare a acestuia, intr-un mod conform specificatiilor mentionate de producator.
- Pentru performante optime este necesara „rodarea” cablurilor, In functie de complexitatea conductorului folosit, cat si geometriei acestuia, „rodajul” poate dura intre 30-100 ore.
- Rodajul se face la volum minim, fiind astfel suficient faptul ca va trece semnal audio sau video dupa caz prin el.
- Cablul supus „rodajului” va ajunge sa functioneze in parametrii recomandati de producator, dupa perioada mai sus mentionata. In aceasta perioada de timp, de “rodaj”, sunetul va fi la inceput ceva mai artificial, pe masura ce cablul va functiona, veti remarca cum bas-ul devine mai controlat, mai prezent si mai voluminos, vocile si sunetele medii devin naturale si mai echilibrate, iar inaltele devin rafinate si detaliate.
Pentru un sistem echilibrat, trebuie tinut cont pe langa asezarea corecta a boxelor in incapere, al echipamentelor, sistemul de alimentare al acestora, tinand cont de instalatia electrica a locatiei.
Nu există recenzii până acum.