GramLine, Izolatie Fonica Perete | Tavan
Burete Fonoabsorbant Drept GramLine RF2828 20 mm
0 out of 5
35 lei / Bucata
Banana, Dynavox
49 lei / Set 4 Bucati 34 lei / Set 4 Bucati
Conector Banana Dynavox Spring 4
0 out of 5
Cabluri Boxe (Metraj), Cabluri de Boxe (Metraj), GoldKabel
Cablu de Boxe GoldKabel High-Flex 2 x 2.5mm (Metraj)
0 out of 5
35 lei / Metru Liniar
Cabluri Instrumente Muzicale | PA, Kenford
Cablu Interconect XLR Kenford XMXT (1m)
0 out of 5
35 lei / Bucata
- Boxe
- Boxe de Podea
- Boxe de Raft
- Boxe de Centru
- Boxe Sateliti | Surround | LCR
- Boxe Bipolare | Surround Back
- Boxe Incorporabile
- Boxe On-Wall
- Boxe Dolby Atmos
- Boxe Active (Amplificate)
- Boxe Karaoke
- SoundBar
- Boxe Indoor | Outdoor Public Address
- Boxe de Exterior
- Subwoofer Activ
- Sisteme de Boxe 2.0 | 2.1
- Sisteme de Boxe 5.0 | 5.1
- Home Audio
- Home Video
- Sisteme Integrate
- Echipamente DJ
- Cabluri | Conectica
- Mobilier
- Do It Yourself
- Car Audio
- Acustica
- Smart Tech