Subwoofer Canton Vento SUB 12

8.495 lei / Bucata

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Subwoofer Canton Vento SUB 12

8.495 lei / Bucata

Disponibilitate: În Stoc Furnizor * Verificati disponibilitatea produsului! SKU: AV558COP2234026 Categorii: ,

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    Elegant and powerful: the Vento SUB 12

    The Vento Sub 12 is an elegant, powerful active subwoofer – perfectly matched in appearance and technology to the new Vento series. Thanks to its harmonious proportions, the Vento Sub 12, which is available in three different surface designs, can be stylishly integrated into all living environments. In its high-quality processed housing with noble real wood veneers or lacquers in High-Gloss-Finish it offers deepest bass and high bass dynamics. The active front-firing subwoofer shines with the latest driver technology from Canton: its 308 mm subwoofer chassis with a highly rigid titanium graphite diaphragm and the equally large downfire passive diaphragm enable excellent bass performance with maximum precision. Equipped with bass management and SC technology, it provides clean, punchy bass – whether freestanding, near a wall or positioned in a corner. To ensure that the Vento Sub 12 does not lack reserves even at high levels, we equip the subwoofer with a stable power amplifier and our triple folded Wave surround. The Vento Sub 12 is a precise bass specialist, ideal for classic hi-fi applications as well as for use in a home theater system.

    Noble subwoofer for film and music

    With our potent Vento Sub 12 active subwoofer, you can conjure up a lively and authentic atmosphere in your home theater. Due to the high-quality technical equipment and the meticulous fine-tuning in our laboratories, the Vento Sub 12 plays precisely and dynamically. Your favorite music will gain in power and liveliness, moreover, in stereo operation you will experience an increased spatiality of your connected speakers. In a multi-channel home theater system, it flexes its muscles in a controlled manner and impresses here with marrow-shaking bass. At the same time, Canton SC technology protects the Vento Sub 12 from any overloads and ensures the lowest possible distortion. Thanks to its Room Compensation Circuit, which allows for a three-stage adjustment of the low-frequency reproduction, the Vento Sub 12 is particularly uncritical when it comes to positioning it in the room – this enables the elegant subwoofer to always deliver clear and precise bass reproduction.

    Equipment and technology

    The Vento Sub 12 active subwoofer operates on the bass reflex principle with a downfire passive radiator. To guarantee precise mechanical performance, it is equipped with a lavishly dimensioned drive unit including the latest generation of wave surround technology. Compared to conventional surrounds, the multi-folded wave surround allows for a much longer excursion and reduces sound distortion. As a highlight, our latest Titanium Graphite diaphragm material is used. Down to 20 Hertz, the active subwoofer brings out the deepest bass. The active module with digital power amplifier is equipped with high- and low-level inputs. Thanks to the Vento Sub 12’s built-in DSP and its pre-programmed sound profiles, you can adjust the subwoofer precisely to the existing room acoustics and your personal listening habits.


    We have visually and technically revised our premium Vento speaker series. Thanks to the modern design, with discreetly curved side panels, rounded cabinet edges and high-quality surfaces with a perfect finish, the new Vento speakers have a very self-confident appearance. The harmoniously proportioned premium speakers offer a perfect balance between noble appeal, timeless elegance and powerful performance. This allows the Vento models to be used universally – they are an enrichment for the most diverse living spaces. Perfectly integrated into this series is our new subwoofer Vento Sub 12, which brings precise, deep bass into your listening room from its noble and elegantly cut cabinet. Its excellent technical features will delight audiophile music fans and fans of high dynamics alike.



    Engineering Principle

    Bass reflex with passive radiator
    Nenn- / Musikleistung

    250 / 400 watts

    Frequency response

    20…200 Hz
    Crossover frequency

    50…200 Hz (adjustable)

    1 x 308 mm (12), Titanium-graphite (Wave surround)
    1 x 308 mm (12), Passive radiator

    2 high level inputs (loudspeaker cable)
    2 low level inputs (chinch)

    Automatic on/off switch
    Adjustable volume
    Adjustable phase limiter
    Adjustable crossover frequency
    Special Features

    Oval fabric grill

    5 years
    Dimensions (WxHxD)

    44 x 52.5 x 51 cm (17.3 x 20.7 x 20.1)

    31 kg
    Power consumption

    0,32 watt

    Carton Content

    Vento Sub 12
    Fabric grill
    Power chord

    47.9 x 62 x 58.9 cm (18.9 x 24.4 x 23.2)

    Informații suplimentare



    În Stoc Furnizor * Verificati disponibilitatea produsului!

    Unitate Pret


    Explicatii in ceea ce priveste rodajul echipamentelor, cat si al cablurilor, asezarea optima a echipamentelor in camera de auditie, importanta acusticii camerei si nu in ultimul rand sistemul de alimentare a intregului echipament:


    - Pentru performante optime este necesara pozitionarea boxelor la o distanta de minim 30-40cm de peretele din spate pentru boxele cu bass-reflex in spate, pentru cele cu bass-reflex in fata, recomandam pozitionarea la o distanta de 10-20cm fata de peretele din spate, dar totodata la o distanta de cel putin 50cm fata de peretii laterali. Tineti cont de faptul ca orice piesa de mobilier din incapere, joaca rol de absorbtie fonica, dar si de difuzie fonica daca acestea din urma sunt din materiale ceramica sau oglinzi, geamuri sau alt material reflectorizant. In acest sens, gasiti pe blogul nostru, multiple articole care va pot ajuta

    - Boxele vor ajunge sa functioneze in parametrii recomandati de producator, dupa minim 50 de ore (ideal 100 ore) de functionare la volum mediu. In aceasta perioada de timp, de “rodaj a boxelor”, sunetul va fi la inceput mai artificial, bass-ul nu va fi inca controlat, inaltele rigide iar vocile usor retinute, pe masura ce boxele vor functiona, veti remarca cum bas-ul devine mai controlat, mai prezent si mai voluminos, vocile si sunetele medii devin naturale si mai echilibrate, iar inaltele devin rafinate si detaliate. Exista boxe care necesita un „rodaj” mai amplu de minim 300 de ore mai ales in cazul celor care au difuzoare de kevlar, carbon sau alte materiale de acest tip. Boxele care se „rodeaza” cel mai repede sunt cele care au difuzoare de celuloza.



    Imbunatatirea sunetului unui sistem audio stereo (Partea I)

    Imbunatatirea sunetului unui sistem audio stereo – (Partea II)



    - Pentru performante optime este necesar „rodarea” echipamentului, In functie de complexitatea componentelor din aparatul dumneavoastra acesta poate dura intre 30-200 ore.

    - Rodajul se face la volum minim, fiind astfel suficient faptul ca acesta este alimentat corect conform manualului de utilizare la 220-230 Volti si trece semnal audio sau video dupa caz prin el.

    - Echipamentul supus „rodajului” va ajunge sa functioneze in parametrii recomandati de producator, dupa perioada mai sus mentionata. In aceasta perioada de timp, de “rodaj”, sunetul va fi la inceput ceva mai artificial, bass-ul nu va fi inca controlat, inaltele rigide iar vocile usor retinute, pe masura ce echipamentul va functiona, veti remarca cum bas-ul devine mai controlat, mai prezent si mai voluminos, vocile si sunetele medii devin naturale si mai echilibrate, iar inaltele devin rafinate si detaliate.

    - In ceea ce priveste echipamentul video precum videoproiector, TV, media player, blueray player, necesita un "rodaj" de cel putin 50 de ore. Lipsa acestuia nu va poate oferi maxim de performanta. "Rodajul" se efectueaza prin simpla utilizare a acestuia, intr-un mod conform specificatiilor mentionate de producator.



    - Pentru performante optime este necesara „rodarea” cablurilor, In functie de complexitatea conductorului folosit, cat si geometriei acestuia, „rodajul” poate dura intre 30-100 ore.

    - Rodajul se face la volum minim, fiind astfel suficient faptul ca va trece semnal audio sau video dupa caz prin el.

    - Cablul supus „rodajului” va ajunge sa functioneze in parametrii recomandati de producator, dupa perioada mai sus mentionata. In aceasta perioada de timp, de “rodaj”, sunetul va fi la inceput ceva mai artificial, pe masura ce cablul va functiona, veti remarca cum bas-ul devine mai controlat, mai prezent si mai voluminos, vocile si sunetele medii devin naturale si mai echilibrate, iar inaltele devin rafinate si detaliate.



    Articole indrumatoare:

    Dictionar Audiofil

    Tratamentul Acustic si Izolarea Fonica

    Pentru un sistem echilibrat, trebuie tinut cont pe langa asezarea corecta a boxelor in incapere, al echipamentelor, sistemul de alimentare al acestora, tinand cont de instalatia electrica a locatiei.

    Pentru detalii privind aceste aspecte de rodaj si nu numai, va rugam sa ne consultati!



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